About Us


Ar-Razzaq Food Bank’s mission is to assist the impoverished individuals and families in the Northern California community, particularly the Muslims in greater Sacramento area.

Our goal is to judiciously distribute food to the needy in our community and also extend a helping hand to the community at largeĀ if our resources permit.


A community-based organization that provides assistance to the needy in such a way to minimize hunger and promote self-reliance


  • Aimed at primarily helping Muslim families
  • Collect and distribute non-perishable grocery items
  • Collect pledges and money for Udhiyah (sacrificial livestock) every year in the month of Dhul-Hijjah (according to Islamic calendar) and then, distribute the meats in timely manner
  • Collect zakat (mandatory alms) and sadaqah (voluntary alms)
  • Act as a conduit to distribute donations of food from the fortunate to the needy in our community

Registered as a California 501(C)(3) Nonprofit Tax Exempt Organization. Please look up status at:

EIN: 27-0925218

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